Stalking Personal Power – The Big "Hell Yes"

A bust!  Nothing.  Nada.  Zilch. Zero.  Just invested 8 days to drive down to San Diego (4 days total travel) and find a new home.  We are left with nothing EXCEPT the possibility of a dream. WHY?  Because my beloved magical wife did what I council my clients and...

Stalking Personal Power – KNOWING

My dreams gave me another directive – see “The Edge of Tomorrow”. I rarely go out to movies anymore, but my dream compelled me to go. My directive communicated this movie would impart a KEY message on my Odyssey of Stalking My Personal Power. It did just that…

Stalking Personal Power – We Beat Cancer

2 years ago I sat on my bed at home at 3 in the morning, feeling the worst I ever felt in my life, crying over the real probability that my soulmate and life partner would die from Stage 4c (terminal) cancer in a matter of weeks.

Stalking Personal Power – NOT Vicarious Living/ Just Do It

One FB post after another.  One adventure after another.  One happy moment after another.  One achievement, high, award, accolade, triumph, win, success, elation, first time, victory, “Big Chill” friends moment, awesome family moment, and bucket list item...

Stalking Personal Power – Contain Energy

After 10 minutes of practicing Tai Chi Chung, a form of beautiful connected graceful movement, I stopped.  I felt like a 75 year old arthritic rigid Karate student trying to break pieces of wood instead of a young swan smoothly and gracefully journeying across a pond....