The MAGI Chronicles

Follow The MAGI …
As you follow the MAGI’s adventures, you will come to find out how I helped my beloved, Talyaa, beat 2 terminal cancers, and how I reversed many of my 65+ medical conditions that threw me into a 12 year dark-night-of-the-soul.
I almost died, and if not for my own MAGI guiding me on this journey, I would never have faced my greatest fear, and you would not be reading this now.
With those stories come teachings from the MAGI, given to me — downloaded, learned, earned, uncovered, and synthesized. This includes the MAGI system of human tech coding, MAGI CYPHERS, that once understood unlock abilities you did not have access to before.
I Got Ahead Of Myself
Oh. Oh dear readers, I got ahead of myself. For those of you that read any of the MAGI Chronicles: the MAGI system is extensive, after 25 pages of detailing how it all works together, I realized I need to introduce it bit by bit.
It is from the MAGI of old, to modern-day MAGI. What it gives access to surprised me. A good portion I got download from unseen guides and allies, including MAGI.
When I release it you can be the first to see it if you sign up below.
How Much Is True?
The MAGI Chronicles is my story, a partially fictionalized memoir. Although many will find it unbelievable, most will encounter sprinkles of awe, wonder and magic. What some readers may eventually stumble upon, those that attend an online facilitated or in person MAGI Training, is how much is real.
Once I release it, I dare you to figure out what is fictionalized, not as a way to take way from any knowledge you glean, but as a gateway to further AWE. Inspiring AWE (isn’t all awe inspiring?). Fantastical AWE. The kind of awe that sneaks into your mind’s eye, heart of hearts and parts of your soul you may not have felt for a very long time. At some point many of you will find that somehow your life encounters begin to feel more magical, and you see and feel more awe than before.
Two Truths And A Lie
One of my all time favorite IRL (in real life) group games, which surprises and delights all who play, is called “2 Truths and a Lie”. In this game each person, time permitting, shares 3 stories about themselves. Two must be true, one must not. Everyone guesses at which is the lie, and get to ask as many questions as wanted of the storyteller, as all observe the unfolding.
When the group feels it is done asking questions, each individual shares which of the 3 stories they believe is the lie, and why. Sometimes a group member’s beliefs about why one is the lie sways undecideds. When that is complete, the storyteller shares which was the lie.
I’m fairly good at this, because every truth I share is so unbelievable that everyone tends to have a jaw drop, exaggerated head shake, or total silence, all expressing disbelief or shock (particularly when I share an x-rated story when it is not a family type event). This is kind of a whodunnit mystery game, as everyone becomes a detective on the case!
Can you tell I really love this game?
The MAGI Chronicles is similar to TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE, as the world you are about to enter is way more truth than fictionalized — so far about 2/3 of it. If I said 85-90%, you would not believe me, and besides, I am sticking to the likeness to my favorite game.
Astronomical Odds You Are Here
The odds are astronomical and unbelievable that you found your way here by accident. We each have our stories that are fascinating interesting, and some are out of this world. In sharing them, something magical occurs among all those present. An invisible yet tangible felt bond forms as deeper parts of our humanity, in all of its wonder and awe, get shared.
A Story & Message About The World Of Magic
I have a special story and message to those of you that do not yet believe in with the world of magic. Though my life has been incredibly hard, full of massive pain, terror, isolation, depression and debilitation, I have also lived something fantastical, magical, wondrous and mystical at times, as unseen allies have guided me through hell — a 12 year dark night of the soul.
This dark 12 years I traveled it with my twin flame. I attracted her so I could once again believe in the world of magic. Later with her I came to live much more in this world. After she left me, that devastation ushered in the end of my dark night of the soul, and I came to trust the world of magic. Though I grieve her on most days, and would have loved to have loved and lived with her until my last breath, I am forever grateful to have found her.
Now my purpose in this life demands of me to share my story, but way more important is to share the Way of the MAGI, as it unlocks what is needed by those that stumble upon it.
Carlos Castaneda & How I Differ
Carlos Castaneda wrote engaging and supposedly truthful fantastical magical stories until it became known that he masterfully spun his engaging tales as the wily coyote he was. He delighted millions of readers. I count myself as one of them! I did my best to glean ways to consciously evolve myself through his stories, but they contained little actionable knowledge.
I am different, and though I am not the masterful writer he inhabited and expressed, I aspire to engage readers as Mr. Castaneda did. I will be grateful for any and all story telling skills I learn. How I differ is that all that I share comes with education and training through a systematic approach, actionable knowledge. I will offer apprenticeships and training at different levels.