I felta flood of emotions, accompanied by a surge of spine-tingling energy, trembling, heat and deep heartfulness as I stood among legendary airplanes and space craft in American history. Only about 2 dozen other times in my life have I felt this distinct sensation, and that was around ghosts and unseen entities. I shuddered. I teared. I breathed deeper. I fought to not outright cry, as I thought I would lose it right there in San Diego’s Air & Space Museum.
I put a lid on most of my emotions and fought to make sense of what just happened. I am not prone to woo woo, and I had only felt this unique sensation just a few times over the last decade. But my experience was real and strong.
It was only much later that I realized I had felt Ghosts of Power.
Legacies & Legends
Let me back up in this story. Tuesdays in San Diego are free entrance days to different museums in Balboa Park. I casually walked into the Air & Space Museum in wonderment at the big planes suspended above me and my soulmate, both replicas and real. My little Davey jumped up and down inside, so excited to see many of his dreams of acrobatic flying and being an astronaut made more real.
Soon I came across an authentic Apollo 9 command module flown in space. Again, so excited to be entering my fantasies of exploration, adventure and “slipping the surly bonds of Earth.” Here is the full quote.
High Flight
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there,
I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air. . . .
Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or ever eagle flew —
And, while with silent, lifting mind I’ve trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.
— John Gillespie Magee, Jr
I have always dreamt of flight. I still remember a singular awesome experience in the desert of Tuscon at Estrella Sailport where I was taken up in a glider and given a dose of acrobatic maneuvers. I asked them to try to make me sick. They couldn’t.
This is the same sailport that Richard Bach mentions in one of his books – one of my all time favorite authors. So you see, I connected to something magical in my life, something FANTASTICAL, as I wandered through the museum. Something still unlived!
After coming across a few more aircraft, such as the Gee Bee R-1, Spirit of St. Louis replica, and a Bell AH-1E Cobra Helicopter is when the Ghosts of Power made themselves known. At first I thought it was simply nostalgia, but what nostalgia would I have with airplanes?
It took me awhile, but then I felt into what my emotions sprang from – the men and women that gave their lives, lived their passions and dreams, served their country, or just put all of their blood, sweat and tears into a cause, a purpose, something greater than themselves.
They left legacies and lived the stories of legends.
My Legacy
I admire the adventurers, the dream makers, the movers and shakers. Most of my life I had wanted to make a difference as they have.
My Odyssey of Stalking my Personal Power has lured me into a deeper awareness of my place in the world, where I have been, where I am now, and where I am heading – my KNOWING. It brings me back to feel my purpose with zeal.
As I felt these Ghosts of Power, their legacies and legends in those planes and spacecraft, I felt unseen teachers, guides and allies reach out to me. In particular, I felt my ancestors of not my blood family, but my soul family.
Later, I wondered why they had reached out to me after so long. No surprise after I thought about it for a bit – daily I have demanded my unseen guides and allies assist me in big ways on my journey.
But bigger than anything else, in an instant, I reconnected to a legacy I might once again have a chance at being part of. I reconnected to something I pushed away for so long – the bigger picture of my life, a FANTASTICAL life. Over the past 10 years, I had given up on doing much of anything other than surviving. And saving my soulmate from certain death by terminal cancer took everything out of me.
My magic of wonderment was sucked away. But that is changing… rapidly…
I still don’t think I have much left to give as I still live in daily pain and debilitation. Nor do I make much of a difference. But what I do have to give is my passion and heart, and The Paradox Cure – my way of opening a portal for others to come back to their magnificent essence and wholeness to live their purpose. If I only do that, then perhaps that could be the stuff of stories. Magical stories. Stories that even turn into legend. I yearn to be part of something so much bigger.
The Ghosts of Power reconnected me to something much bigger than me… and I wait in wonderment for it to unveil itself…