A bust!  Nothing.  Nada.  Zilch. Zero.  Just invested 8 days to drive down to San Diego (4 days total travel) and find a new home.  We are left with nothing EXCEPT the possibility of a dream.

Zero Chrome

WHY?  Because my beloved magical wife did what I council my clients and friends to do – Say “NO” to everything that is not your dream so you can say “YES” to your dream.  We found places that I was willing to sign a lease on, but they were not in alignment with a big bold new life that we are going for.  Some were in bad neighborhoods, overpriced, too small, little light, bad locations or …

But DAMN!  I would have rather had something less than ideal, instead of what we now probably have to do – live in an extended stay hotel with all of our stuff in storage.  A nomad lifestyle until we can secure what we want.

Life has hit me with one crisis scenario after another – wife almost dying of cancer; my own severe health challenges; bankruptcy; betrayal & some despicable people.  Blah blah blah.  I do not see myself as a victim.  However, I did reach a breaking point a few weeks ago.

With so much hardship, survival fear and angst in my circumstances I just gave up responding with fear and now only have the bandwidth and the will to live big and bold.  What does that mean – big and bold?  Say “NO” to anything that does not move me forward to my “YES” – what I envision and want.

Does this sound new agey?  Woo woo?  Magical thinking?  It does, BUT this is real —> I have lost so much and have felt so much pain and despair that all I have left is to go after what I want.

Essentially this is GROW BIG LIFE.