About MAGI

MAGI Overview
MAGI are modern-day magicians, that master the use of integral knowledge that all reality is energy. They direct energy to transform their world in service to others and humanity.
MAGI understand mechanisms of action hidden within energy, as well as how energy moves and manifests in the human body, and all living things. MAGI are lords of imagination, virtuosos of facilitation, and commanders of plans.
MAGI are able to understand the human psyche and its motivations within a viewpoint that allows them to positively influence how people relate to themselves, others and the world around them.
MAGI are curious about a great deal in life, though often don’t understand current culture as they walk a different path than those that pursue only the material. They are misunderstood to most.
MAGI are unique in how they walk their path, each holding true to a singular drumbeat of their soul.
The Word “MAGI”
“MAGI” is the plural of “MAGUS”, a member of an ancient hereditary Persian group of priests. However, because MAGI get how important it is to language, to use words, to name and rename, they purposely chose the word “MAGI”.
MAGI Throughout History
The MAGI of Old
The MAGI OF OLD, Ancient Ones, knew secrets of energy — the interconnectedness of all. They knew very well how to author their own story, while working with other forces that are part of the story and fabric of radical learning and mastery. Often polymaths are MAGI.
The Kings
Some MAGI were known as KINGS in Christian mythology. But this was a misnomer. They were simply men who sought truth, wherever it was to be found. The enormous power that dwelled within MAGI wisdom allowed them to lead kingdoms when they chose — hence, the attributed name of KINGS.
Remember that it was the MAGI of three, “the three wise men”, who bestowed gifts to baby Jesus. Legend or truth? Known legends contain truth, and known truths become legend.
The Renaissance
MAGI understood the movements of the stars and heavens. They brought new sciences and ways of building into the world. The renaissance era teamed with MAGI, teaching and innovating. Leonard DaVinci, Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Francis Bacon, Johannes Kepler, Rene Descartes, and Issac Newton come to many a mind.
The Focus of MAGI
MAGI focus on real-world applications of their knowledge — how to create form from energy. They use this knowledge to guide individuals and humanity to be better, do better. We need this now more than ever.
MAGI know some of the greatest power is unseen — such as belief, faith, trust and inspiration. Already science has taught us that belief and faith hold untold power to change our current experience of reality, and even reality itself as it appears to us.
MAGI use and direct magic — the bold and boundless energetic interaction of life. MAGIC is only mysterious to those not in the know, as all MAGIC can, or will be explained by science.
The Riches of MAGI
MAGI know the best of riches are found in giving, loving, connection, family, community, and kindness. A MAGI’s calling is of a scared service to others. They know their life is never for them, nor about them. In living this wisdom, all the riches of life are bestowed upon MAGI, allowing them to be generous!