Stalking Personal Power – We Beat Cancer
2 years ago I sat on my bed at home at 3 in the morning, feeling the worst I ever felt in my life, crying over the real probability that my soulmate and life partner would die from Stage 4c (terminal) cancer in a matter of weeks.
Stalking Personal Power – Reactionary Behaviors
I don’t like how I am when I encounter incompetency – ANGRY. I encounter incompetency almost everywhere. But my angry reactions get in the way of my ease, power and freedom and living my purpose.
Stalking Personal Power – Centuries of Waiting
One man spoke his truth – Remember, men coming up to the mountain have waited centuries for us, for this opportunity. Tears welled up as I felt the truth spoken. Let me explain.
Stalking Personal Power – KNOWING
My dreams gave me another directive – see “The Edge of Tomorrow”. I rarely go out to movies anymore, but my dream compelled me to go. My directive communicated this movie would impart a KEY message on my Odyssey of Stalking My Personal Power. It did just that…